Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A new development sprint is born

After a couple of months of not so good control over what we are doing in technical development we decided to move back to "Scrum Light". Basically we divide 2010 into 11 sprints and we will plan each sprint in detail. It will be the responsibility for each member that all tasks assigned to them will be solved. We will hold weekly meeting where we discuss the status of each task and make sure we can, together, resolve any issues that have risen.

The scary with sprints is that it is always so many things we want to squeeze into a four week time box. I guess it is a learning period before we all understand that we have to have fewer things added to each sprint... I mean, reality is always there and steals time away from your plan...

On the positive side I really believe that if we can manage to focus on a few important tasks, those tasks will be delivered with much greater speed and quality...

Looking forward to many sunny days in 2010!
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