Friday, November 19, 2010

The rules have a new home

Ok, my bad! What did I think... To put a set of collaborative rules on a blog that only I can update! Errrr... So now, you all can add to the list as much as you like! --> Surf on over...

Thursday, November 18, 2010


A while ago I posted a 'rule' on Twitter - Rule #51... Interestingly a friend replied with another rule... Unplanned we started to create a set of fun rules that may or may not make any sense... Some of them are in Swedish - sorry about that! And they keep coming!

Here they are:

Rule #1: Stäng av datorn klockan nio på kvällen senast. Det finns amerikaner som annars håller dig vaken hela natten.
Rule #3 Don't use apps that auto-tweet.
Rule #5 That don't kill me, will only make me stronger!!
Rule #6 Be careful what you're wishing for. You might get it all. (Åsa)
Rule #6 Keep your words sweet, someday you might have to eat them.
Rule #7 If you have glasses, because you need glasses, wear them...
Rule #8 Imagine (John Lennon)
Rule #8 Stupid people repeat theirs mistakes. Geniuses makes new. (Torbjörn)
Rule #9 It's no brainer to find problems. It takes brain to fix them. (Torbjörn)
Rule #10 Yesterday's just a memory
Rule #12 Att vara på jobbet är inte samma sak som att faktiskt jobba. Det äldsta av djungelspråk. (Åsa)
Rule #12 Don't carry a TV and a monitor at the same time...
Rule #13 Don't spray Otrivin Menthol in your eyes!
Rule #51 Sometimes - you're wrong...

[Swe] Så kommer din arbetsplats förändras de kommande 10 åren

 Fick denna länk av en kollega. Intressanta tankar som jag faktiskt tror på!!!

  1. Rutinjobbens tid är över. Enligt Gartner så kommer arbetsuppgifter som inte kan automatiseras dominera arbetsplatserna. Idag är 25 procent av företagens arbetsuppgifter av icke-rutinkaraktär och innefattar innovation, ledarskap, försäljning med mera. Enligt Gartners prognoser kommer denna siffra att öka till 40 procent redan år 2015. Om tio år kommer siffran att vara ännu högre.
  2. Svärmen tar över avdelningen. Enligt Gartner kommer vi att jobba allt mindre i fasta team eller avdelningar. Istället kommer vi att jobba i löst sammansatta "svärmar" där personerna ofta är nya för varandra. Arbetsgrupper av geografiskt utspridda personer kommer också bli vanligare.
  3. Skissen tar över planen. Företagen ökar hela tiden takten och snart finns inte längre tid för att arbeta efter noggrana planer och projektstrukturer. Istället arbetar man efter snabba skisser som hela tiden förändras över tid.
  4. Arbetet blir aldrig klart. Produkter och tjänster kommer hela tiden att utvecklas och aldrig ses som "färdiga". Gartner liknar det med IT-världens "Beta-tillstånd" som på företag som Google blivit konstant - det vill säga man har aldrig utvecklat tjänsterna färdigt. Detta angripssätt kommer att bli vanligare i alla branscher och traditionella produktlanseringar kommer att bli mindre betydelsefulla.
  5. Gränserna mellan fritid och arbete minskar ytterligare. I takt med att vi jobbar mer och mer globalt och ständigt är uppkopplade kommer gränserna mellan arbetsliv och privatliv att minska ytterligare och det kommer enligt Gartner att vara svårt att hålla arbetstiden mellan åtta och fem. Konstant tillgänglighet kommer att bli en utmaning då den lätt leder till stressrelaterad ohälsa.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Now Im testing the Twitter integration...

I can't see any new options so I fear that this app now auto-tweet... If that is the case, I apologize. Unfortunately Im too curious to not try and see...

The picture is taken just outside of Färila in Sweden.

- Seeing is believing

Tada. BlogPress found and installed!

Now, what can we do with this one!! Seems easier the using Safari browser at least... The picture is from Åre Sweden....



Just remembered that I have this blog on Blogger... I'm using the iPad and it seems the Safari browser on here isn't completely compatible... Means I have to find a blogger app!
I hope there is one...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A 100o sites…

Isnt’t this just the same issue that we have in Lotus Notes today?

Ryan Duguid, the Senior Product Manager for SharePoint ECM from Microsoft Redmond, gave the opening keynote. He did an overview of the "new" SharePoint ... or really, the continuation of the SharePoint story. He went through the new 2010 pie and compared it to the 2007 pie, and pretty much confirmed what I'd been mapping out on the plane this morning getting here. Most interesting quote for me, speaking to the information management challenges of tools such as SharePoint: "At Microsoft, I'm a member of about 1000 SharePoint sites ... but I have no idea what's going on in here."

From: Michael Sampson

Getaway is really close..

July 10 is getting closer… Getaway Rock festival in Gävle… Slash, Europe and more… It will be a great evening with the old heroes…

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Playing with the new Windows Live Writer Beta

Got a link yesterday to the new Windows Live Essentials Beta… Had to download of course and it looks like this writer app is a quite easy tool to create blog posts! As you have noticed, I’m note the most frequent blogger – but I must say this one looks like a nice to have tool!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Community Maturity Model

Found an interesting model on Social Amber that I started to look at...

I have always believed that Social Networking is 10% technology and the rest is hard work in many other areas... I think this model describes in a good way that there are so much more than tools or technology that has to be considered...

Im taking a snapshot of this model and placing it in my head... Good to have in all the 'Sharepoint vs Connections' debates we currently have in our organization!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Zoega's coffe is da shit!

In Sweden... Coffee is of great importance! Our workplace is no different! But in our team, we even have our own 'coffee society' where we have our own Espresso machine and bring our own beans... Even though the workplace serves free coffee...

Gevalia is the most sold coffee and Sweden but I have to say it is definately not the best... Zoega's 'Mollbergs Blandning' is the best coffee by far! If you have a chance to try it... Go for it!
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

The snow continues to fall

So... It started again yesterday and it must be at least another 40cm of snow that has fallen... Although I love the winter, I don't like shovelling snow :D

As long as one get to be inside, it is really nice to have a cup of coffee and look out at all the snow... But driving home is a whole different story...
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Feeds from Lotusphere

I spent some time yesterday (Sunday) trying to follow the news feed from Lotusphere and the amount of Tweets that was sent was huge! However the amount of blog entries was rather decreased! I guess Twitter is the place to follow the Sphere??

Maybe today (Monday) and the OGS will be different, with lots of people live blogging... Of course I wish I could be there in person, but for sure looking forward to follow blogs and tweets instead!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Virtual memory on Domino?

Page File and Domino.... We have had the standard in Windows Server (for Domino) to have Page File Size set to 1.1 times the physical memory. I brought this up with our Windows Server experts a couple of months ago and they recommended to use 'System Managed Page File'. So far so good...

When we started the upgrade to Domino 8.5.1 we decided that the upgrade of Domino is a perfect opportunity to change the page file settings as well. It works great for 32 bit servers but our 64 bit servers (64 bit Domino on 64 bit Windows) have now started to alert on low virtual memory. So apparently it is not perfect to have 'System Managed Page File' on 64 bit systems.

Does any one have any good suggestions? Is there a best practice for Page Files for Domino on Windows?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A new development sprint is born

After a couple of months of not so good control over what we are doing in technical development we decided to move back to "Scrum Light". Basically we divide 2010 into 11 sprints and we will plan each sprint in detail. It will be the responsibility for each member that all tasks assigned to them will be solved. We will hold weekly meeting where we discuss the status of each task and make sure we can, together, resolve any issues that have risen.

The scary with sprints is that it is always so many things we want to squeeze into a four week time box. I guess it is a learning period before we all understand that we have to have fewer things added to each sprint... I mean, reality is always there and steals time away from your plan...

On the positive side I really believe that if we can manage to focus on a few important tasks, those tasks will be delivered with much greater speed and quality...

Looking forward to many sunny days in 2010!
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not going...

Unfortunately we are not going to Orlando this year. The financial situation means we have travel restrictions and they are still very much in place. Hopefully there will be a lot of news to read about from home - but of course it would have been much nicer to be there in person... Maybe next year?

In the mean time I will work on the Sametime 8.5 and Domino 8.5.1 upgrades...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sametime 8.5 is really great!

During 2009 we have been part of the beta testing of Sametime 8.5... And now that it is finally out there, I thought I'd share some of the reasons why we will plan for a migration from our current 802 infrastructure as soon as possible...

- The first thing that surprised me was the sound... The extremely good quality of the sound... The best VoIP sound I have ever experienced...
- Second, the startup speed and stability of the new meeting client...
- Third important factor is the new proxy that finally will make it possible to use Sametime and create Communications Enabled Business Processes (CEBP).

Well done the Sametime team...

The christmas tree? Well it was drawn in real time, together with a few of my colleagues... In Sametime...
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